Marcus Jairus Quek //1JUNE1994

I am not my own.
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kick start the year!
thank God for such a wonderful start to the year. hope it gets better each day with God :) had some good htht until super late! confession of sins really brings about healing! as i look back into my past, i really thank God for preserving my soul and guiding me with His rod and staff. Indeed He is a cloud by day to cover me and a fire by night to comfort me had a chance to talk to my grandmother today (who is a non-believer) she seems like she's having a good retirement in Arizona jealous much HAHA jkin. just before i passed the phone back to my dad, i managed to get a chance to pray for her (although my chinese isnt very good HAHA) and praise God for that :) hopefully, God touched her heart. i love my granny! went shopping today for new year clothes with justin and melody THANKS MEL! (great advice eh! i can see a future fashion designer HAHA) WHEE, super happy that i got the clothes i wanted at very good discounts :)) passed by A&F to check out the hype. what we found out was that the place: 1. buff guys 2. strong manly perfume 3. expensive clothes managed to get a poloroid (for free!) with some A&F model which was actually quite embarrassing with so many people passing by and staring at you i'm quite sure that the A&F model was gay, he was literally squeezing my waist! please look at picture below for further elaboration. HAHAHA. tried to study for a while after that, but was pretty unsuccessful. but it was a good day nonetheless. just found out where the secondhand cheap Christian bookstore is located! TEEHEE ^^ and i love my cell group so very much! <3 ![]() ![]()
7:34 AM
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