Marcus Jairus Quek //1JUNE1994

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A Levels
Have not been posting in donkey years. too busy and lazy hehe. With the A levels coming up, too much time is spent on studying, and little on basic priorities and burdens in our lives. Sometimes, too much noise hinders our ability to hear God, for His will and purpose in our lives. first things first. As learnt from the Book of Joshua (specially Chapter 5) There must be a sense of, Consecration before conquest. Worship before warfare. Few are able to fully comprehend as such, yet many more are unable to carry it out. I too struggle with such. At times, fleshly desires challenge my moral inward convictions, it makes me truly question the assurance of my salvation. But praise be to God that my salvation is based upon His work, not mine. Sometimes, a simple life means the best life. Less worries, more smiles. Indeed, in a competitive society, one finds such a option difficult. Is there really anything left, but studying with joy? CDDDS they absolutely do not spell out perfect grades. i mean, this is definitely worse than peeing on your pants in school and in front of your friends ohhh kayy... maybe i'm exaggerating but reflecting upon it, there is a sense of joy when close friends come and share their thoughts, and speak into my life with words of encouragement. I felt maybe there was self-pride when i suddenly jumped from D to A for maths, and S to C for physics in my mid year. Totally forgetting the fact that it was God's grace. Why do i think so? cause for my prelims i jumped back down to D and S respectively. Hmm, what a coincidence. Well, anyone might say otherwise since the human mind has the capacity to doubt almost anything. But i truly have been humbled and have come to a point of realizing my need for God's wisdom and leading in my life Especially for my studies. I want to be able to sit for the Alevels, confident that all is in God's hands. Being able to be rested, although not perfectly prepared (come on, you can never be fully prepared. i mean, what if they test hypotesting and vectors together? maybe unless you're YRC) haha. but my point is, i want to encourage all that, whether Christian or not, that God loves you and that He has a plan for you no matter your result. And there's no great theology in that. There's no Goliath too big, you just need 3 stones and faith in God. A levels is definitely not an end, but a start to a new journey. God's will is totally sovereign, gloriously redemptive, sometimes puzzling, but always perfect. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (yes, it's cheesy. but true nonetheless) study hard people! God bless! -marcusjairus
2:52 AM
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