Marcus Jairus Quek //1JUNE1994

I am not my own.
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hey so, yeah it's been a long time since i posted really busy with A Levels preparation, and post A level thingys movie spree + sleeping quite disappointed that was unable to shoot for this year's Speedlight camp, due to full capacity of the camp committee, oh wells, next year. since the church couldnt let me shoot for them i got a job with FireFly Photography Singapore. Although im still under training, it's pretty awesome. opportunities to interact and take pictures with families and couples, and the pay is quite good. it'll definitely help to build up my portfolio. getting ready for prom is such a chore. my hair is in a terrible mess, it's like too short and puffy. HAHA. got a blazer from Zara gonna keep it simple for prom, just a blazer and t-shirt inside. God is always faithful. definitely through the draining A Level's period, both mentally and emotionally. been learning much from the Word as the Lord leads me. was led to read the book of Hosea, for some funny reason. a very overlooked book in the Bible. well, reading it at first glance, it can be hilarious, especially when i thought that i was Hosea and my enemies were Gomer, where God was teaching me to love my enemies. well, the truth is, it struck me, because when i meditated upon the chapter, i began to realise how much of Gomer i was, and how great a Hosea that God was. always turning back and yearning to temptations of greed, lust and pride. great humbling truth. and hope you can be touched from this small sharing. i going to book into NS in 9may, so it's really going to be a long time for me. considering to take up Kepap (martial arts) and driving i wanna work in Starbucks too hehe. and it would be a great time to go deeper into God's Word. and the extra cash would help alot. till next time, bye! all shots below were taken by me with FireFly Photography Singapore
9:51 PM
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